Prep Preparing Service
Amazon FBA services have many rules and regulations regarding the condition of shipments and products that arrive at Prep Services USA . All units must have an “FNSKU” label and a “Made in” label. FNSKU Labels are required to be visual on every product that is intended to be sold on Amazon. Amazon uses the FNSKU Label to identify a specific unit of an ASIN. Compliance with Amazon’s rules and regulations is crucial when it comes to shipments and products received at Prep Services USA. The FNSKU label serves as a visual identifier for every product intended for sale on Amazon, enabling the platform to associate it with a specific ASIN unit. Our preparation services are made such that there is utmost accuracy in terms of labeling.
Regarding certain products, Prep Services USA has specific polybag requirements. Complying with Amazon’s guidelines we use appropriate packaging materials, package dimensions within the specified limits, etc. We employ multiple professional attention to each and every product by organizing them in order. We can assure established and new amazon sellers that our inspections cover product integrity, functionality, and adherence to Amazon’s quality standards.
Get in touch with us to get expert inspection services at Prep Ecommerce. Get ready with us to empower your amazon selling business. When we take the responsibilities for preparation, you can remain assured of smooth work.
Why Choose our Preparation Services?
Deep Understanding
Amazon’s policies are ever-evolving and sellers need to cope up with that. But this will not let them focus on their core business activities. Hence, we are here to help you with our Prep Services USA. We navigate you seamlessly through the intricacies of labeling, packaging and regulatory compliances.
Tailored Preparing
Our tailored preparing solutions for your unique products goes beyond the all-size-fit approach. There are products requiring special packaging, or might require you to prepare products in bulk. Also, throughout our journey we have dealt with delicate items requiring special handling needs.
Efficiency, Transparency, and Customer Focus
Each and every staff at Prep Ecommerce is committed to providing our clients with utmost transparency. Our priority for Prep Services USA is a quick turnaround which ensures that products reach amazon fulfillment centers promptly. Throughout the preparation process we keep you informed about every step of your product preparation.